Park Homes Hamamatsuchou


2023 / Tokyo / Restaurant

"LIGHT HOUSE"古から船乗りたちを導いてきた、温もりと安心感を与える柔らかな光。未来へ向け、着々とまだ見ぬ姿へと変貌を遂げ続ける竹芝エリア。“変わらない確かなもの” と“未知の未来への前進”。東京湾岸の過去と未来をつなぐ道標として、そこに在る。

"LIGHT HOUSE" A soft light that provides warmth and a sense of security that has guided sailors since ancient times. The Takeshiba area continues to steadily transform into something we have never seen before as we look towards the future. “Unchangeable certainties” and “progress toward an unknown future.” It stands there as a guidepost connecting the past and future of Tokyo Bay.